Interesting Twists and Turns in Nyasalande since the May 2009 elections

The 19 May 2009 arrives, Malawians vote for leaders of their choice. The outcomes are such that 67 % choose Bingu wa Mutharika, 32 % choose John Tembo and one percent chose to vote for the others. Conspicuous in the vote pattern are the following facts
-the Southern voters generally vote massively for the southerner Bingu wa Mutharika although the Machinga and Mangochi districts choose MCP markedly, for the first time since the dawn of democracy.
-the central region splits the vote between Bingu and Tembo –the first time that the central region has markedly backed a non-central candidate since the birth of democracy
- The northern region votes wholly for Bingu wa Mutharika and does so more than any other region, in per cent terms. Ultimately, the South gives Bingu 48 % of his vote, the centre gives him 32 % of his vote, while the north gives him 20 % of his vote. He has won, the opposition is defeated , this time massively.
Bingu is sworn in and organises a tour to thank voters. He calls people to be united and reminds northerners to be for Malawi first.
A come back bid is straged by young leaders in MCP but is weakened in its tracks by the death of the leader (Chafukira).
The president later comes on Tv to remind Malawians that his bro can be anything he wants in Malawi, hence fuelling speculations of a Peter succession in 2014,
Makes clear his stand on quota system and tells the nation that exams-based selection was not perfect and advantages one group of pple. Attends the Lomwe function and warns critics of any opposition to such.
Harry Mkandawire lashes out at the president in the media accusing him of hating northerners and punishing them with the quota system, and he is fired from DPP within the next few days. He later urges his tribesmen to form their own forum to protect his region.
Soon after, the one time powerful man, loved by his bros and sisters, Goodall Gondwe reveals his sympathy for equity in Malawi's edication system and is quickly branded a mercernary and traitor, ...taking it after his late father who never wanted colonialism to go..., by his own people-the very same people.
What will be next?
Can news papers in Malawi chart the turn of events in their online and paper based news papers so we can read. Mine here is a primer and is far from even ¼ perfect!! Its intended to stimulate such analyses.


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