The misguided billboard and the Christians reaction
On the billboard issue that carried a controversial religious message, i have noted several dissenting views... 1. Some are of the view that we must allow religious competition through negative marketing until the most negative wins against the meek. I find the above as naive and analogous to stirring a religious fight in a generally peaceful country. This is bad advice. 2. Some think the best is to leave those who provoke others alone, because in heaven God will punish provokers.... I find the above as ill advised. What would happen is that non action would pass as tacit approval of the provocation and over time these would multiply and a confrontation would become inevitable. We do not want such an avoidable future strife of a religious nature. We are a peaceful and tolerant nation yes and that is why we even elected Muluzi as president at a time when his religion accounted for under 9% of the nation's faiths. But this peace must be guarded...