
Delegates’ voting behaviour: Elusive, but just for Now

    Greenwell Matchaya, PhD One of the most frustrating things for any investor is being unable to know the possible returns of his/her investment with some level of certainty. Similarly, for a political investor/politician it can be frustrating to devout so much effort in a competition where the voter behaviour is unknown, because doing so would easily lead to wastage of resources or in other words, would limit gains per dollar invested. While voter behaviour is complex and often elusive, when the same or similar voters vote for candidates over a number of times, it is easier to demystify their behaviour. Using known techniques of analysis often taught in elementary statistics, econometrics and mathematics classes, it is possible to study the patterns and derive generalizations or even “theorems” around such behaviour. With advances in machine learning and AI in general, and a good understanding of physiology, sociology, one can torture data or even create some and pr...

The New Cabinet is out and it is marvelous ! Yours truly is ...

 1 April 2021 A stable government is key for delivery for any government because uncertainty reduces performance . This is why we should not be reshuffling frequently !  But reshuffles are normal and expected  And so, we are expecting that before the end of this month of April, we will hear someone truly say  " The New Cabinet for the Republic of Neptune is out and it is marvelous !! "   Enjoy April my brothers and sisters Yours truly Mfumusaka 

Tribalism is too bad and laws against it must be enforced when necessary- but the (fake) CHEFOs letter was not tribalistic.

I rarely write on any Malawi matters since the 23rd of June 2020 except formal research pieces etc, but I think it is important to join the voices that seek to outlaw tribalism as sparked by the (fake) letter from the CHEFO. In my view, that letter , whether it is fake or genuine has come as a blessing so we can debate these issues openly and perhaps at length too. Firstly, it is important to note that our democracy is founded on the values of human dignity, the achievement of equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms. It is also founded on the value of non-racialism and non-sexism, supremacy of the constitution and the rule of law, among others. So, in whatever we do, the key should be to ensure that our actions do not unfairly violate these values. It is thus straightforward to conclude that any conduct that unfairly discriminates a section of the population based on constitutionally listed or non-listed grounds including gender, race, and disability tribe etc is in...

useful sites

 Useful sites Resources On Christianity scholarship-websites/ The Best Scholarship Websites to Fund Your Education  Assistance with writing, analysis, research etc students-with-disabilities- college-guide/#Scholarships Scholarships for students with disabilities

Research and other kinds of foresight Analysis

Links to knowledge products  Google_scholar Research_gate

Diploma mills are forbidden, But lets us separate illegality from quality of a certificate: Need for MAQA

On the degrees issues: Lets us differentiate authenticity from illegality The jurist is not defending anything or 'not defending' anything... But just that , from first principles of legality , retroactive application of law etc, 1. Where there is no law forbidding, nothing is illegal 2. Where a law later changes to introduce a new norm, those who acted differently before the change have not fallen foul of the law. This is important principle of legality Thus, where an institution confers degrees lawfully, but later fails to satisfy certain new legal or quality criteria, the consequences of the inability to satisfy this new norm do not affect those who acted in the absence of the newly promulgated prescriptions. This is logical for to behave any differently would offend ius certum and ius praevium sub elements of the nulla poena sine lege maxims as well as nullum crimen sine lege principles But legal does not of course mean robust or the most optimal ......

The misguided billboard and the Christians reaction

On the billboard issue that carried a controversial religious message, i have noted several dissenting views... 1. Some are of the view that we must allow religious competition through negative marketing until the most negative wins against the meek. I find the above as naive and analogous to stirring a religious fight in a generally peaceful country. This is bad advice. 2. Some think the best is to leave those who provoke others alone, because in heaven God will punish provokers.... I find the above as ill advised. What would happen is that non action would pass as tacit approval of the provocation and over time these would multiply and a confrontation would become inevitable. We do not want such an avoidable future strife of a religious nature. We are a peaceful and tolerant nation yes and that is why we even elected Muluzi as president at a time when his religion accounted for under 9% of the nation's faiths. But this peace must be guarded...